Friday, September 29, 2006

What Really Grinds My Gears - Part 5

You know what really grinds my gears?

My Garbage Men. Men that now collect my garbage. I put my garbage out. You know those guys that take it away? Those fuckers.

Now I'm not talking about refuse collectors in general. Those gents are the tits and perform an invaluable service to every community. I'm talking about my garbage men.

Before July 1 of this year, I lived in Miami Township, approximately 2.5 miles from where I now reside. Every Wednesday morning I'd put out my garbage cans and recycling bin. Every Wednesday afternoon I would return home with those receptacles neatly placed in the same condition that I left them (but now empty). The lid would be securely fashioned... They'd be upright... If the forecast was calling for rain, the recycling bin would be turned upside down........Beautiful.

Now that I live in Miamisburg, I carefully lay my garbage cans and recycling bin at the curbside every Friday morning. Every Friday afternoon I return home to find those receptacles scattered as if an epileptic shotput thrower had disposed of my rubbish. At least four times the can has been lying in the street. 100% of the time the lid has not been re-fastened. 100% of the time, the cans are lying on the ground instead of sitting upright.

Now, I'm not retired. I don't care that much yet about the appearance of my curb. This isn't what pisses me off.

What really pisses me off is that while I lived in Miami Township, land of respectful waste managers, I payed ZERO city taxes. No property taxes, no income taxes (as townships need not apply), nothing.

Now that I'm in Miamisburg in a fairly up-scale sub-division, I pay a shitload for property taxes, income taxes, and apparently incompetent garbage collector taxes.

And that folks, is what really grinds my gears.

Mr. Bush, Is it serious or not?

Allow me to speak very quickly on a subject that all of America agrees on: The war in Iraq.

While I do advocate an offensive approach for seeking and destroying those that are planning to destroy us, I am getting very sick of one thing:

Our President inserting in every speech something like, "This is a fight for all of civilization" or "If we lose, freedom around the world will surely fail."

We've been over there for a few years now. Not much has changed. Many say that it's gotten worse.

So, is this the defining fight for our entire way of life or isn't it?

A) If it is, then let's go World War II on their asses and send a few million troops or a couple nuclear bombs to the Middle East instead of the insufficient force that's presently deployed.

B) If it's not the most important fight free men have ever seen, then lay off the rhetoric and scare tactics. Your response is not appropriate to overcome the dangers you keep saying we're fighting.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Gotta Admit He's Colorful

I know this is kinda old.

Who does this guy think he is? The only thing that makes me more scared is the reaction from those dignitaries and world leaders in attendance.

You've heard me talk a little bit about my view of the United Nations. I've spared you most of my internal rants. Could any other body be more corrupt? At least the more "civilized" countries try to veil their craziness. Not a lot of people that are recognized by the U.N.


So my trip to Maryland was rather uneventful. I did get into an almost heated discussion with one of the desk clerks on my way back. Mainly because she was rude, as I knew I wouldn't be changing TSA policy.

On the way there, I had to check my tiny overnight bag and its dangerous contents of toothpaste and shaving cream due to the prohibition of liquids. I thought long and hard about showing up to my review with Navy brass without use of these items as waiting for checked luggage adds a good hour to your travel time. Common sense won out.

While I'm waiting for my flight out of Dayton, I see on Headline News that the regulations will be changing the following day and some liquids will be able to be carried on. Yay! This will be in effect for my flight home!

So I'm checking in the next day for my return and they ask, "Are you checking any bags?" I'm giddy and state humorously, "Now that the toothpaste ban has been repealed, I'll only have this carry-on." She didn't think it was funny and rudely filled me in on what Headline News didn't tell me... Apparently, all liquids now have to be in containers that are 3 oz. or smaller. On top of that, they all have to be enclosed in a clear, ziplock baggie.

What the fuck?!

I forgot who I was talking to and asked how that would stop a terrorist attack.

Yeah, I had to check my bag.

I'm all for taking sensible measures for our safety. However, some inconveniences are just stupid. Every one of our security precautions are reactionary. How about some proactive measures? True, I don't have any suggestions besides racial profiling, but someone in Homeland Security has to have better ideas than removing my shoes and making me wait for my hair gel to slowly make its way onto the conveyor belt.

Friday, September 22, 2006

The Point

I don't just bring up all of these firearm issues to merely try and convert you, Loyal Reader, and show you the light regarding this one issue.

I was actually drawn to the heated gun debate because I think there is a lot here to study concerning our society as a whole.

  • Are you responsible for yourself or is the government? Health insurance? Welfare?
  • Using emotion for your argument instead of facts and logic. This goes both ways. They emotionally say "guns are bad" without realizing they're a tool and sometimes the only tool that could fend off a criminal with a gun. We emotionally say, "...From our cold dead hands" because we get very defensive about the safety of our family.
  • The majority of politicians care more about perception than action.
I could go on, but what really fires me up about the post directly preceding this one is not really the issue at hand. I'm 110% confident that this will be decided in the Supreme Court in our favor. That dissenting opinion pretty much guarantees it, let alone the common sense of the matter.

What makes me mad is that I have no idea how many other Judges are out there making decisions that completely invalidate any number of laws that our legislators create. As you now know, our legislators debated for a very long time as to the list of locations in which concealed carry would be illegal. Many people fought hard to get parks on that list. It was debated. It was not added. This has nothing to do with the system of checks and balances, as the 6th District didn't rule that this was unconstitutional. Their given rationale was very murky and ethically questionable.

These judges knew that the law didn't apply to parks.

They didn't care.

Why We Need Legal Guns in Parks


I'll try to keep the background short... but it's important. There was a very unexpected court decision a couple weeks ago in the 6th District Court of Appeals. Ohio's concealed carry laws state that all government buildings are off-limits, but that public property can never be prohibited outside of a building. Right now, Ohio does not have pre-emption when it comes to firearm laws. (Pre-emption meaning that city law can not be more restrictive than state law. Since we don't have that, we have things like the Columbus Assault Weapons Ban that are not uniform throughout the state).

So, Toledo has long had a law on the books that says you can't have a firearm in a city park. This one guy tried to get that rule thrown out in 2004 due to Ohio's new concealed carry laws. After many attempts and many denials, he publicly invited police and news cameras to watch him lawfully walk into a park with his valid license and concealed handgun. He got his wish and was peacefully arrested. The first ruling came out against him. He appealed. They recently ruled against him again. The reason for the Appellate decision is complete BS, but I won't get into the legal mumbo-jumbo unless you ask me... but it truly is ridiculous.

The dissenting opinion is hilarious in that it basically calls the two majority judges corrupt. If you care, you can read more here, including some of that opinion from the dissenting Judge.

So, that Toledo ban is still in effect and it could mean dire consequences throughout the state. Theoretically, any city can now outright ban concealed carry entirely. Not surprisingly, Mayor Coleman of Columbus is salivating to enact his own park ban and who knows what else.

Now you're caught up.

There has been a lot of press on this, and a lot of editorials basically ask the question, "Why do you need a gun in a city park?"

My Answer:

Originally published here.

Regular readers of this website are well aware of the possible ramifications of the recent decision by the Ohio Sixth District Court of Appeals. The effects have rippled outside of the Sixth District. For instance, Mayor Michael Coleman of Columbus is planning to enact bans in city parks that would prohibit legally licensed citizens from carrying a handgun for self-defense. On September 12, The Columbus Dispatch printed an editorial entitled, “Cities Win One”. That editorial states:
A state appeals-court decision upholding Toledo’s ban on guns and other weapons in city parks is good news for Columbus and other Ohio cities…

The ruling Sept. 1 by the state’s 6th District Court of Appeals, in Toledo, is expected to encourage other cities, including Columbus, to pass similar bans on guns in parks.

Columbus Mayor Michael B. Coleman and Councilman Michael C. Mentel last week reaffirmed their interest in enacting such an ordinance. Both men have pushed state lawmakers to add public parks to the list of places where holders of conceal-carry permits cannot take firearms.
One point that deserves reiteration is that there was no ambiguity when legislators created and passed Ohio’s Concealed Carry laws, despite the fact that Mayor Coleman and Councilman Mentel “pushed state lawmakers to add public parks to the list of places where holders of conceal-carry permits cannot take firearms.” Legislators discussed the issue and purposely excluded parks from the list of enumerated places that disarm the law-abiding.

In response to this claim of what Ohio cities have “won”, I humbly present what the citizens of those cities could lose: their right to self-defense and potentially the lives of their children. Allow me to explain. A 33-year-old man was finally arrested on September 19 after being sought by police. His alleged crime? Sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl. Where was he apprehended? In a city park. The Dayton Daily News is reporting that:
A 33-year-old man sought on an accusation that he sexually assaulted a 5-year-old girl was arrested Monday at a park in Miami Twp., a Kettering Police Department public information officer said…

A woman watching a news broadcast about [Matthew Scott] MacKendrick called police and reported seeing a man at the park who fit the description given during the newscast… MacKendrick was with another man, who was not detained...
Like all Ohioans licensed to carry a handgun for the defense of their loved ones, I take the safety of my family very seriously. That is why I have passed a rigorous background check, been fingerprinted, and received training in the safe operation and legal ramifications of carrying a handgun by state-approved instructors. I am not a threat while pushing my daughter on her favorite swing set. I am merely trying to protect my daughter from deranged criminals that already ignore laws against sexual assault of children. Why would these monsters heed another gun ban that leaves my family defenseless?


I know I don't have a daughter, but I felt like playing the "it's for the children card" since that's the other side's default justification.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Why I Hate Minesweeper

What the fuck am I supposed to do with this? I swear this happens 50% of the time.

In case you're wondering... I chose poorly.

My Car Is Morally Superior

Just saw this in The Columbus Dispatch.

Ohio motorists can keep buying "Choose Life" license plates now that abortion-rights advocates have dropped their lawsuit to block sales of the plates...

The ACLU had sued the state on behalf of abortion-rights supporters who argued that the plates promoted one side of the abortion debate. The Ohio law creating the specialty-plate program, they argued, was unconstitutional because those who back a woman’s right to an abortion can’t buy a license plate expressing their view.

I have to agree with that argument, but certainly don't like the implied solution. Can you imagine if you could get a license plate discussing any political cause? Tax collectors hanging from a noose? Two guys kissing with a red circle and a line through it?

I don't like this idea at all, but have to admit I'm not sure where to draw the line. I think I support current specialty license plates that give a kickback to organizations like an alma mater or a wildlife refuge. However, as far as I can tell, these "Choose Life" plates differ and just support an idea. I guess I may feel better if it had the logo of some recognized Pro-Life organization. Don't know.

To sum up:

I think a decal of Calvin pissing on aborted fetuses could get the job done without involving State Government Agencies.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Remember Killer Bees?

Where'd they go? Are they now extinct? I haven't had an update in awhile.

Maybe I was too young to realize they were a scare tactic of the Republicans around election time in the late 80's - early 90's.

Bizzaro Me in a Hat

Anybody see this story during their daily perusal of The New Zealand Herald?

Baby Bang experiment could open door to new dimension

Deep underground on the Franco-Swiss border, someone will throw a switch next year to start one of the most ambitious experiments in history, probing the secrets of the universe and possibly finding new dimensions...

"We are going to make mini Big Bangs.
"There has never been such a jump in particle physics. It will go into an area that we don't really understand," he added...

If the theories are correct, the machine will create tiny black holes that evaporate and possibly even find particles that offer evidence that the three dimensions known to mankind are just a fraction of those that exist.

"That would be an even bigger headline than the black holes. It could be that there is a whole new universe a millimetre away from our heads but at right-angles to the three dimensions that are here," Dr Cox said.

What? You're worried that perhaps mankind shouldn't meddle in such things? Not confident when the dude that's running the show is probing an "area that we don't really understand"? Don't worry, the good Doctor has a list of bulleted points, the last of which will set your mind at ease:

* They estimate the possibility of accidentally destroying the planet as extremely low.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I'm going to try something revolutionary and post every day, no matter how slight the attempt may be.

With that, If you haven't checked out Penn & Teller's Showtime program "Bullshit!", you owe it to yourself. It's humorous, fact-filled, and usually impartial while still getting their opinion across.

Have some time to kill?

Monday, September 18, 2006

Appearance on "Cam & Company"

UPDATE: My appearance on's flagship program "Cam & Company" has been confirmed for tonight. The show begins live at 9:00PM and I'm slated to talk at 9:20. We'll be discussing the recent Ohioans For Concealed Carry presentation at the Kent State Tuscarawas campus' Constitution Day. (That's why I went home last Thurs). We'll also be talking about the UDF robberies as I've already discussed.

You can listen live at 9:00PM by going to or listen tomorrow to an archived version by clicking on the appropriate link at the same site.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Quick Empire Thought

So of course we're watching the original theatrical releases.

As a 1980 era monster rambled past the screen, Joanna said, "Nice and fake... just like I like 'em."

Milkey said, "I feel the same about titties."

Driving Me To Drink


For the past three months that we've been in our new house, I've been frequenting a little Stop N Rob Convenience store type place outside our sub-division.

Boy do I feel like a chump.

There's a drive-through one block further that I've ignored until now. No more.

I always thought they'd be more expensive. Not true.

There's nothing like being barefoot when picking up the night's 12-pack.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Just finished A New Hope for 100th time

I didn't want to be the only one not blogging about the recent Star Wars IV-VI DVD releases.

I just finished watching Episode IV and thought I'd add onto Andy's wonderful discussion. Keep in mind I'm a big fan, but have never read any supporting books or anything. I've always feared it would take away from my love of the original movies. With that being said, here are a few semi-drunken thoughts:

1) Why doesn't Obi-Wan remember R2-D2? They certainly had some intimate adventures back in the day.

2) Can you imagine in the technological age of individual spaceships and personal laser guns that people would still use 20-something year old 'droids? How fast do computers in our society become obselete? R2 and C3PO would be nano sized in 2 years, let alone 20.

3) I remember discussing with Andy how I felt it odd that storm troopers wear those bulky and heavy uniforms since they obviously don't protect them from laser blasts. Andy made an excellent point that most of the planets they conquer are more Ewok-esque and have to protect them from crude arrows and rocks. Makes sense... But why don't they wear those uniforms when in that environment and wear something less bulky and gives better peripheral vision and auditory awareness when stationed on the DEATH STAR or a cruiser?

4) I realize the galaxy is desperate, but I'm still shocked that Kenobi wants to so quickly train Luke to be a Jedi (especially when Yoda disagrees later). Does he not remember the last time objections were made?

5) Again, I bring up that since we saw the DEATH STAR at the end of Episode III where the outer shell was already completed by the time Padme was buried (which I think would be the hardest to build in space), why did it take so long to complete the whole damn thing?

6) I realize Kenobi is old and rusty, but wouldn't any Jedi be better suited to fly them off Tattooine than trusting unknown Han Solo?

7) Does Chewbacca have a cock? I imagine it to be huge. Why isn't it flopping around all over the place?

8) It sure seems like Vader takes orders from the DEATH STAR General. I don't see Anakin/Vader ever doing that.

9) Even though I've seen this a hundred times, I noticed tonight for the first time that Luke taps his helmet/earpiece when Kenobi speaks to him as he's approaching the DEATH STAR.

10) If I were Leia's assumed father and knew how important it was for the Empire to not find her, I'd do more to shield her from her current role in the Senate and rebellion.

I'll try to post more after the 200th viewing.

Somebody Slap Me

Anyone that has ever moved away from their hometown of New Philadelphia and had to travel back with a malfunctioning CD player knows that there is approximately a 75 mile radius in which the only radio stations available are country.

I traveled home last night and returned today.

I started to enjoy listening to country.

I've always been a fan of old country - Hank Williams Sr., Patsy Cline, Waylan Jennings....

But I actually foundy myself enjoying most of what I heard.

Somebody slap me.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

To: You, Re: Pre-pubescent smooth-cheeked sissy boys

That's right... bow down before me and my luxurious beard. My countenance has been graced with a full depiction of a healthy and masculine libido since embarking into the wooded recesses of Hocking Hills.

Perhaps we shall take an in-depth look at some of the more influential beards of all time in due course. For now, I wanted to comment that I stumbled upon many Bearded Communities housed throughout this grand internet.

Visit The Beard Community forums for current discussion topics such as "Biting Moustache Hairs" and "Longest My Beard Has Been."

Do you want to know All About Beards? Who doesn't? awaits.

Was your beloved guy or girl graced by God with gratuitous growth? You're not alone. Welcome to Babies With Beards.

My only complaint is that technology has not allowed us to repel the beardless from the cyber-sanctuaries of the follicle elite. Rest assured, Johnny H, your trespasses into our great-maned enclave will not be tolerated forever.

And of course,

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

More Assault Weapon Fun

I'll keep this short... I promise. Check this out and remember that this happened in Columbus, so you, Loyal Reader, know all about their "assault weapons."

Read the story here:

A man was arrested late Tuesday afternoon for allegedly shooting an assault rifle on a busy street.Warrants for attempted aggravated murder were issued on Tuesday for Emory Garner, NBC 4 reported.

Police said Garner shot into a car on Martha Avenue two months ago...

Response #1: I thought these suckers were banned?! Didn't anyone tell this criminal?! Why aren't the citizens of Columbus magically protected?!

Does this law have any effect? No. This asshole is looking at a shitload of prison time for attempted murder and an extra $500 fine or something for breaking the Assault Weapons Ban (although history shows that prosecutors rarely even mention it when they have something like attempted murder to hang their hats on).

Response #2: Do Columbus officials need to re-write the ban in bold font? Do we need to ban more guns?

Does this law have any effect? No. How about going after the real problem of the criminal rather than a tool and put this asshole away for a long, long time the first time since "Police said Garner shot into a car on Martha Avenue two months ago."

Armed Citizen Success Story

As I mentioned, I promise to not post every one of these stories, but every now and then I like to mention one:

From this September 5th article in The Gazette-Enterprise:

As most families were sleeping soundly early Labor Day morning, a local homeowner shot and killed a man who smashed through the back door of his home.

“The homeowners, who were asleep, awoke to a living nightmare,” said Seguin Police Department public information officer Aaron Seidenberger. “A person had broken into their home, and now they were violently struggling to get the suspect to leave.”

After breaking into the home at 798 Renee St. at 5:20 a.m., the man made his way down the hallway to the homeowners’ bedroom, where the husband and wife awoke. The male homeowner physically struggled with the burglar, who had armed himself with a wooden club-like object he found inside the home, police said.

The homeowner retrieved a gun from his bedroom and yelled for the man to leave. When the burglar charged, the homeowner shot the man at least once in the upper torso with a .40 caliber handgun, said Police Chief Luis Collazo.


Though the homeowner is undoubtedly dealing with the psychological impact of his decision, Seidenberger likened the incident to an officer having to shoot a suspect in self-defense.

“He has to look at it [from the viewpoint of] ‘If I had not done what I did to protect myself and my wife, then I might not be here...’“

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Updates to CHL Statistics

Statistics were just published for the second quarter of 2006. I thought I'd post an update for the sake of completeness and in case Nick wanted to break his silence on the facts I presented in response to his claim that the wrong people are getting CHLs.

Originally published here.

The office of the Ohio Attorney General, Jim Petro, has recently released statistics for the number of Concealed Handgun Licenses that were issued, suspended, and revoked during the second quarter of 2006. True to form, the demand continues to be consistent. Also consistent is the fact that CHL holders are overwhelmingly law-abiding. This fact is proven again and again by the very low number of licenses that have been suspended or revoked.

Let's take a look at the numbers for this past quarter:

5489 Licenses were Issued
87 Licenses were Suspended
27 Licenses were Revoked

Adding these numbers to previous tallies gathered since the law took effect in April of 2004 brings the current totals to:

79,019 Total Licenses have been Issued
478 Total Licenses have been Suspended
244 Total Licenses have been Revoked


The emotional and illogical cries of anti-gun advocates continue to flood Ohio's media outlets, town hall meetings, and living rooms. It's a shame when actual statistics get in the way of a good, factless rant. Perhaps someday those fighting against our overwhelmingly successful CCW laws will take the time to research its undoubted effectiveness.

Ohioans For Concealed Carry applauds the 5500 individuals that chose to become legally equipped to protect themselves and their families over the last three months and looks forward to the continued growth of our community.