Thursday, September 21, 2006

My Car Is Morally Superior

Just saw this in The Columbus Dispatch.

Ohio motorists can keep buying "Choose Life" license plates now that abortion-rights advocates have dropped their lawsuit to block sales of the plates...

The ACLU had sued the state on behalf of abortion-rights supporters who argued that the plates promoted one side of the abortion debate. The Ohio law creating the specialty-plate program, they argued, was unconstitutional because those who back a woman’s right to an abortion can’t buy a license plate expressing their view.

I have to agree with that argument, but certainly don't like the implied solution. Can you imagine if you could get a license plate discussing any political cause? Tax collectors hanging from a noose? Two guys kissing with a red circle and a line through it?

I don't like this idea at all, but have to admit I'm not sure where to draw the line. I think I support current specialty license plates that give a kickback to organizations like an alma mater or a wildlife refuge. However, as far as I can tell, these "Choose Life" plates differ and just support an idea. I guess I may feel better if it had the logo of some recognized Pro-Life organization. Don't know.

To sum up:

I think a decal of Calvin pissing on aborted fetuses could get the job done without involving State Government Agencies.


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