Friday, September 22, 2006

The Point

I don't just bring up all of these firearm issues to merely try and convert you, Loyal Reader, and show you the light regarding this one issue.

I was actually drawn to the heated gun debate because I think there is a lot here to study concerning our society as a whole.

  • Are you responsible for yourself or is the government? Health insurance? Welfare?
  • Using emotion for your argument instead of facts and logic. This goes both ways. They emotionally say "guns are bad" without realizing they're a tool and sometimes the only tool that could fend off a criminal with a gun. We emotionally say, "...From our cold dead hands" because we get very defensive about the safety of our family.
  • The majority of politicians care more about perception than action.
I could go on, but what really fires me up about the post directly preceding this one is not really the issue at hand. I'm 110% confident that this will be decided in the Supreme Court in our favor. That dissenting opinion pretty much guarantees it, let alone the common sense of the matter.

What makes me mad is that I have no idea how many other Judges are out there making decisions that completely invalidate any number of laws that our legislators create. As you now know, our legislators debated for a very long time as to the list of locations in which concealed carry would be illegal. Many people fought hard to get parks on that list. It was debated. It was not added. This has nothing to do with the system of checks and balances, as the 6th District didn't rule that this was unconstitutional. Their given rationale was very murky and ethically questionable.

These judges knew that the law didn't apply to parks.

They didn't care.


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