Wednesday, September 27, 2006


So my trip to Maryland was rather uneventful. I did get into an almost heated discussion with one of the desk clerks on my way back. Mainly because she was rude, as I knew I wouldn't be changing TSA policy.

On the way there, I had to check my tiny overnight bag and its dangerous contents of toothpaste and shaving cream due to the prohibition of liquids. I thought long and hard about showing up to my review with Navy brass without use of these items as waiting for checked luggage adds a good hour to your travel time. Common sense won out.

While I'm waiting for my flight out of Dayton, I see on Headline News that the regulations will be changing the following day and some liquids will be able to be carried on. Yay! This will be in effect for my flight home!

So I'm checking in the next day for my return and they ask, "Are you checking any bags?" I'm giddy and state humorously, "Now that the toothpaste ban has been repealed, I'll only have this carry-on." She didn't think it was funny and rudely filled me in on what Headline News didn't tell me... Apparently, all liquids now have to be in containers that are 3 oz. or smaller. On top of that, they all have to be enclosed in a clear, ziplock baggie.

What the fuck?!

I forgot who I was talking to and asked how that would stop a terrorist attack.

Yeah, I had to check my bag.

I'm all for taking sensible measures for our safety. However, some inconveniences are just stupid. Every one of our security precautions are reactionary. How about some proactive measures? True, I don't have any suggestions besides racial profiling, but someone in Homeland Security has to have better ideas than removing my shoes and making me wait for my hair gel to slowly make its way onto the conveyor belt.


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