Friday, September 29, 2006

What Really Grinds My Gears - Part 5

You know what really grinds my gears?

My Garbage Men. Men that now collect my garbage. I put my garbage out. You know those guys that take it away? Those fuckers.

Now I'm not talking about refuse collectors in general. Those gents are the tits and perform an invaluable service to every community. I'm talking about my garbage men.

Before July 1 of this year, I lived in Miami Township, approximately 2.5 miles from where I now reside. Every Wednesday morning I'd put out my garbage cans and recycling bin. Every Wednesday afternoon I would return home with those receptacles neatly placed in the same condition that I left them (but now empty). The lid would be securely fashioned... They'd be upright... If the forecast was calling for rain, the recycling bin would be turned upside down........Beautiful.

Now that I live in Miamisburg, I carefully lay my garbage cans and recycling bin at the curbside every Friday morning. Every Friday afternoon I return home to find those receptacles scattered as if an epileptic shotput thrower had disposed of my rubbish. At least four times the can has been lying in the street. 100% of the time the lid has not been re-fastened. 100% of the time, the cans are lying on the ground instead of sitting upright.

Now, I'm not retired. I don't care that much yet about the appearance of my curb. This isn't what pisses me off.

What really pisses me off is that while I lived in Miami Township, land of respectful waste managers, I payed ZERO city taxes. No property taxes, no income taxes (as townships need not apply), nothing.

Now that I'm in Miamisburg in a fairly up-scale sub-division, I pay a shitload for property taxes, income taxes, and apparently incompetent garbage collector taxes.

And that folks, is what really grinds my gears.


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