Thursday, July 06, 2006

Who's Schmoozing Me Now? Part 3

The Socialist Party

Party Platform:

The Socialist Party stands for the abolition of every form of domination and exploitation, whether based on social class, gender, race/ethnicity, age, education, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.

We are committed to the transformation of capitalism through the creation of a democratic socialist society based on compassion, empathy, and respect as well as the development of new social structures. Socialism will establish a new social and economic order in which workers and community members will take responsibility for and control of their interpersonal relationships, their neighborhoods, their local government, and the production and distribution of all goods and services.

For these reasons we call for social ownership and democratic control of productive resources, for a guarantee to all of the right to participate in societal production, and to a fair share of society's product, in accordance with individual needs.

As we pursue a socialist transformation of society, we join with others in making radical demands on the existing system: demands that challenge the basic assumptions of a capitalist market economy while pointing the way to a new society. Although reforms will not in themselves bring about socialism, the fight for them will advance the cause by demonstrating the inherent limitations and injustice of the capitalist system. As we build the socialist movement, we organize around a platform committed to our common and interdependent struggles and aspirations.

My Summary: We want to completely change the human condition and create a perfect society void of violence, jealousy, and anger because everyone will be equally wealthy and taken care of by their government.

  • $15 minimum wage - everyone's equally rich!
  • Nobody has to do dangerous or tedious work like moving boulders or mining coal. Everyone has the same education so we'll all be equally skilled and happy in our good jobs. If at some point we realize that the world needs ditch diggers, the doctors won't mind having the same salary as the shit-cleaner-uppers.
  • I don't have to worry about anything. The government tells me what to do and who to give my money to.
  • The massive hangovers resulting from the psychotic drugs that make the populace think this fairy tale could work.
I realize that Socialism and Communism can sound good on paper. But it's never, ever worked. Unfortunately, the human condition won't allow it to work. A person is smart, mobs are moronic.

I really want to try and be at least a little objective in these posts, but I find no way to do so with Socialism.


At July 06, 2006, Blogger Jen Reed said...

My mind can not even begin to comprehend how people in this country could think that type of government could work.... oh wait... yes I can... it's coming from the people who want to sit on their ass and collect money ... silly me ;o) that mantality irritates the hell out of me!

At July 07, 2006, Blogger Andy said...

Maybe instead of sarcasm and ranting you should consider the fact that the Scandanavian countries are largely socialist (with some free-market) and rank near the top of the world in standard of living.

The statement that Socialism has "never, ever worked" is thus inaccurate, your "pros" were all about communism, and the entire post demonstrates to me a lack of serious consideration.

When do you get to dictatorships?

At July 07, 2006, Blogger Mike @ MidwesternBite said...

Andy, I agree with you that in perusing the webpages of "Socialist Party USA" and "Communist Party USA", there do not seem to be many differences at all. Good point. I'll do Communism next to see if others notice major differences that we don't see.

I encourage you to give specifics as to how my (fully disclosed as sarcastic and ranting) remarks do not address the Socialist Party USA.

Remember... I'm discussing only American political parties, not Socialism and Communism in other parts of the world (where there are certainly bigger differences to be seen.) I'm also not doing days of research. I figure that if a political party wants to get its message across, it should be able to do so in its official webpage and party platform.

As to Scandinavia being mostly Socialist, I plead ignorance and will certainly do more research.

And going back to the "ranting", please recall what I said in the introduction to this series:

"I will do my best to give an unbiased overview from their party platform before telling you why you shouldn't vote for them and instead enjoy a few PBR's on election day."

I say mission accomplished.

At July 09, 2006, Blogger Andy said...

The first part of your reply puts words in my mouth (or keyboard) that I didn't say, which is unfortunate.

My point is that, despite your disclaimers, you are treating this series seriously, and the presentation on Socialism was disappointing to me. I expect more thoughfulness out of you instead of this hatchet job.

If we're restricting ourselves to the US Socialist Party, then perhaps the overlap with Communism is significant. Most effective Socialism works in tandem with a market system rather than absolute socialism.

Man I need some PBR.


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