Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Would you like a side of Fascism with that?

(I wanted to talk about this due to the return of The John Hawkins Blah Blah Blog and his discussion on helmet laws.)

Has anyone seen that legislators are starting to consider "Fast Food Taxes" and other regulations that will try to infringe upon (or perhaps deny) citizens' choice of what to eat? I've heard about it more recently, but most of the links I found refer to Detroit' s attempts last summer.

See Detroit Considers Food Tax.

Seat belt laws... helmet laws... obesity laws... how far will our government go to protect us from ourselves?

I'm genuinely curious as to where my peers draw their line for the amount of government regulation that is appropriate in our lives. So if you don't comment normally, I'd appreciate hearing what you think is OK. I'll even promise to stay out of the comments section of this one... so fear no well-deserved tongue-lashings from me.

(I have to admit that I also wanted to post this because due to my comment in Johnny H's blog, I couldn't get this image out of my head and had to create it.)


At June 28, 2006, Blogger John said...

I think I covered this topic quite well in my blog but here let me toss on a few extra thoughts.

I'm for the occasional tax for a baseball stadium, but not just so people eat less. It would seem an unfortunate case that nature in general has made the most delicious and inexpensive (calorie/dollar) foods the ones bad for you. Why does fat, salt and sugar taste so good? Why can't I get the same satifaction from plain oatmeal and water?

At June 28, 2006, Blogger Andy said...

I'll try to address the question raised in the post.

Currently I think there is a significant degree of overregulation and in areas where government has no business.

However, I don't share the increasingly extreme libertarian views of this blog. The free market doesn't solve everything.

At July 03, 2006, Blogger Jen Reed said...

There was a tax they were talking about in my "counseling adolescents" class the other day that made me want to get the noose out of my back pocket and hang myself. The "fast food" tax might have been it. I think the converstation was about the restrictions that they are trying to put on the food in school cafeterias. Which is aload of crap. Im definitely not libertarian. I lean way to the right on most issues. I do believe that captialism and the free market are the cure too everything and have considered supporting the flat tax.

At July 03, 2006, Blogger Mike @ MidwesternBite said...

"Im definitely not libertarian...I do believe that captialism and the free market are the cure too everything."

Jen, was this a typo? For Libertarians believe that the free market is the cure for everything. (I think it is the best solution 90% of the time, but not everywhere.)

At July 03, 2006, Blogger Jen Reed said...

No, not a typo. I just wasnt clear. Sorry ;o) I meant I agree with the libertarian view of taxes and capitalism I'm just much more conservative when it comes to issues such as abortion and all that other stuff you here us religious folks ramble on about.


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