Monday, July 03, 2006

Wimp My Ride

Who else thinks the magnetic ribbon decals for your car have gotten waaaay out of hand? Remember when sporting a ribbon used to mean something? Supporting troops... breast cancer...AIDS... Now they're just a fashion statement.

I passed a minivan today with one that said "Honor Student." Either this jackass has taken the concept of these ribbons far past the point of no return, or they've started a non-profit fund to help the endangered American Honor Student. (Why the hell are Norwegians so damn smart anyway?!)

I also read something not too long ago that broke down how much money goes to troop organizations from 99% of the magnetic ribbons you buy from retailers. Basically zero. Send your dollar to an actual charity, not plastic manufacturers.


At July 04, 2006, Blogger Nick said...

I'm not gonna lie, I've seen those ribbons in black and urine, and they say "Go Steelers!" I've also ripped at least half a dozen of such ribbons off of cars and thrown them into oblivion. And by oblivion, I mean the other side of the parking lot.

At July 04, 2006, Blogger Mike @ MidwesternBite said...

I commend you for your efforts and think that the world is a better place because of them.

At July 04, 2006, Blogger Andy said...

I never really thought those ribbons were at all a good idea and hope they disappear soon.

The black and gold ones typically say "Go Pittsburgh" and I like the city and dislike vandalism.

For the ones that say "God Bless America," who gets the (limited) proceeds: God or America? The pink ones saying "Find a Cure" (for breast cancer) are a bit pushy, demanding I find a cure, and a bit presumptuous, assuming that one exists.


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