Monday, July 10, 2006

Op-Ed on Mississippi's "Stand Your Ground" Legislation

Note: The "Stand Your Ground" legislation that I've discussed before is also dubbed as the "Castle Doctrine" by the pro gun rights folks.

Read the whole article here:

'Castle doctrine' lesson? Stay out of the wrong castle
by Sid Salter

Detractors of Mississippi's new "Castle doctrine" law are fretting as Senate Bill 2426 goes into effect this week.

They say that the law legitimizes the notion of "shoot first and ask questions later."

They say that the law will make it easier for criminals to claim self-defense when they kill someone.

They say that the law will encourage more people to buy guns and empower them to use them without fear of civil liability if they injure or kill someone.

All three of those criticisms are correct.

But there's a simple solution to those problem areas in the "Castle doctrine."

People who stay out of the wrong "castle" should be fine. It's difficult to be shot as an intruder if one only enters homes or cars or businesses to which one has both a key to gain entrance and a legal right to be on the premises.


I have no sympathy for criminals wounded or killed in the commission of their crimes by citizens under the "Castle doctrine" - because they were simply in the wrong castle at the wrong time.


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