Tuesday, October 24, 2006

NRANews.com Appearance

I've been invited back to NRANews.com's flagship program "Cam & Company" to discuss the Anti-Gun Mentality of several large corporations, specifically Costco. This is similar to previous conversations discussing UDF.

If you want to listen, I'm scheduled to go live at 10:20PM. The show starts at 9:00. Click on the above graphic to go to the website. If you do so between 9-Midnight, it automatically takes you to the live feed. You can play an archived edition anytime before the next broadcast (so you have until 9PM Friday). Then you can fast forward into the show.


The corporate policy of Costco, a large volume and wholesale retailer, is the latest to be brought to the attention of Ohioans For Concealed Carry. We have received several emails from people all over the country explaining their personal attempts to persuade Costco Corporate Management to adopt a more logical and tolerant policy...

A quick Google search confirmed this author’s suspicions that Costco stores are not immune to violent crime. Therefore, since Costco can’t stop criminals from attacking you, why should they prevent you from doing it yourself? A great deal more time was spent trying to find proof that a citizen with a Concealed Handgun License has done something either illegal or dangerous with their legally carried firearm. That research produced nothing.

While I respect the rights of private property owners to decide for themselves how to run their business, they need to be educated as to the true ramifications of “No Guns” policies. Those signs do nothing to deter armed criminals. In fact, they may have the opposite effect by creating a safe haven or Criminal Protection Zone (CPZ) where armed robbers, rapists, and murderers are assured that no one is capable of standing up to them. Also, they need to realize that the signs are effective in keeping out millions of patrons and, more importantly, their wallets.


Read the whole thing here.


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