Thursday, October 12, 2006 Appearance

I've been invited back to's flagship program "Cam & Company" to discuss a tragedy that occured in Cincinnati this week. A mother of two was raped in front of her children in a city park. This is relevant because you've read on here that many Ohio Mayors are actively working to get legal concealed carry banned in parks. No need for self-defense there!

If you want to listen, I'm scheduled to go live at 11:40PM. The show starts at 9PM. Click on the above graphic to go to the website. If you do so between 9-midnight, it automatically takes you to the live feed. You can play an archived edition anytime before the next broadcast (so you have until 9PM Friday). Then you can fast forward into the show.

NRANews contacted me because of an article written by a female member of Ohioans For Concealed Carry. Do you recognize the "anonymous" author? Hint... she's hot.

The whole article can be found HERE. A snippet...

Rapist in Cincinnati Park Proves Need for CCW

... Women are strong. I believe a woman can accomplish anything she chooses to. Physically, however, we are at a disadvantage. On average, we are shorter; we weigh less and have less muscle mass. A firearm has been called “The Great Equalizer”. What better way to promote gender equality than to encourage women to take their safety and their children’s safety into their own hands? Women should be given the option to equip themselves to make up for what nature has not provided...

I hope that the woman and her family can find some way to heal after this terrible tragedy. I also hope that those sworn to protect me and my community do not legislate away my natural right of self-defense and leave me at the mercy of larger, stronger, deranged criminals when my future children ask to visit our local park. I am responsible… law-abiding… trained… and only want to protect myself. How can someone hear this heart-wrenching story and tell me they will not allow me to do so?"

For those with Satellite Radio, the show is also broadcast on Sirius Patriot 144 on your XM dial... If you're lickin', that's W-Guns.


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