Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hot Enough For Ya?

I detest the summer heat. Not because of the warm temperatures, but because of everyone talking about it. Journalists, barbers, old people... It's SUMMER! Of course it's hot.

I guess I'm a glutton for punishment as I actually read an article from the Dayton Daily News with the word "muggy" in the title. I understand "relative humidity" but didn't know much about the "dew point."

Enjoy. But only after drinking plenty of water.

Jamie Simpson: Dew point: Why we feel so muggy

By Jamie Simpson

Staff Writer


The dew point is not a relative quantity. Rather, it measures how much moisture is in the air at any given time. The higher the dew point, the more moisture there is in the air and the harder it is for our bodies to cool. It starts to get uncomfortable when dew points rise into the 60s (where they have been the past few days) and is very uncomfortable when they rise above 70. The muggiest days late last week had dew points in the low to even mid-70s. Thursday we will combine temperatures in the 90s with dew points in the low 70s. That will make it feel (to our bodied trying to cool) like it will be 100 or higher — that's a quantity we call the heat index.


At July 19, 2006, Blogger Andy said...

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At July 19, 2006, Blogger Mike @ MidwesternBite said...

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At July 19, 2006, Blogger Andy said...

I didn't know what dew point was either.

The article is interesting, but saying that the dew point "measures how much moisture is in the air at any given time" is a bit misleading. The units of dew point are degrees of temperature, not weight or volume of water vapor - Simpson should make that more clear.

What dew point tells you is, for a given chunk of air, at what temperature the water in that air would condense. Simpson is right that it is an absolute and that it is a good measure.

At July 19, 2006, Blogger Mike @ MidwesternBite said...

I like your explanation much better.

Let's flood this bitch with angry mail.


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