Friday, November 17, 2006

What do you want to talk about?

I wonder if "The Blog Era" is making our society even more isolated and socially inept.

-People used to talk.
-Then we started writing letters, which at least was in someone's own handwriting and allowed for personal touches.
-Then a few hundred years later we started emailing.
-Now we blog. That's about as impersonal as you can get.

I know I don't write near as many emails as I did a few years ago. I feel kinda bad about that, but I don't have anything of value to justify sending something directly to Andy or John like I used to.

Nope, now I can just vaguely direct whatever random bullshit is rattling around inside my head to you, my anonymous Constant Reader.

So, let's make this more interactive. What do you want talk about? Ask me a question.

(OK, mainly I want you to ask me questions so that I can re-use the awesome icon I created for "Let's Go to the Mailbag!" That dude cracks me up every time I look at him. I know you want to see him again as well.)


At November 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This doesn't necessarily pertain to what we're doing here, but I think blogging is one of the best things to hit America in some time. Considering how every major news station is controlled by some kind of corporate conglomerate with a slant, at least bloggers often ask the difficult questions that aren't addressed in the news anymore (now, I am addressing one cable "news" station here in particular, I don't think I need to specify on this one). Blogging is hardly objective, either, but at least its encouraging people to take some ownership in their government and question authority.

At November 18, 2006, Blogger Mike @ MidwesternBite said...

I wholeheartedly agree! Good points, Nick.

I should've been more clear in that I was talking about inter-personal skills between people you know. I never write personalized emails anymore, but I'll take the time to throw some bullshit on here every couple days. On some level, I find that sad.

The blogosphere is very important for the reasons you note. How else would some people find out that the term "assault weapon" is a political trick and that they function exactly the same as rifles that haven't been arbitrarily banned? CNN certainly isn't going to tell you that. :)

At November 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote for porno


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