Friday, November 03, 2006

This gives me wood

The Scala Girls' Choir covering a little ditty by The Devinyls. Where is Scala you ask? Who the hell knows. The Musings of Milkey is assuming they're all 20ish. That way if it turns out they're a middle school group or something I'm not so creepy.


Since we're talking about choir, I went to the home page of New Philadelphia's finest musical ensemble for the first time:

First of all, look how many people there are! No way half those guys can sing. In my day, which of course was the pinnacle of Delphian greatness, we struggled to find more than 6 or 7 gents that could hold a tune.

Second, it's nice to see that nine years after I've graduated the ladies are still sporting the same fashionable dresses that our sopranos and altos despised. All funds earmarked for wardrobe updates must have been spent replacing the cummerbund that made me look so dashing.


At November 04, 2006, Blogger Andy said...

It's actually "Divinyls" It's a pun combining "Divine" and "Vinyl"


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