Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Art Review

Ever noticed that there are a lot of good looking cartoon women out there? I thought I would list a few in no particular order except for priority in which I would enjoy banging them.

#6: Betty Rubble

The original "Girl Next Door." I can't recall any other attractive women on The Flintstones, so Betty definitely provides the Tyrannosaurus e-Rex-tions for this formative period in mankind's history.

#5: Ariel

Sure there may be some anatomical abnormalities to work through, but anyone doubt it would be worth the effort? I guarantee there's some exotic fin-flapping-thing that would drive us mere men wild. I used to wonder how the ocean could produce so much driftwood. I am curious no longer. (Please note that The Musings of Milkey does not know the age of any cartoon hotties and therefore assumes they are all over 18.)

#4: Judy Jetson

From what I can recall of The Jetsons, Judy was a party-girl dying to get out. I bet once she hit astro-college she spent more time in the back seat of flying cars than in a classroom. Hmm... need a reference here for continuity... missiles, black holes, etc.

#3: Lois Griffin

I swear I catch myself checking out her rack at least three times during every episode of Family Guy. Lois has it all - a good sense of humor, parenting skills, a voice that haunts my troubled sleep in just the right way, the fact that she did the entire band Kiss... Plus you have to give an extra point or two to any Mom that's hotter than her daughter.

#2: Jessica Rabbit

What do I have to say? Sometimes I like my cartoon women dirty. Jessica is very sensual, manipulative, and into beastiality. Where do I sign up?

#1: Daphne

Daphne has a mysterious innocence about her that you'd love to solve. She also reigns at the top of my list due to the fact that she was the star in my very first sexually oriented dream when I was four or five years old. Boy did we kiss in that cave. It gives me chills just thinking about it.


At June 01, 2006, Blogger Andy said...

Where would you rank Jem from Jem and the Holograms?


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