Sunday, May 07, 2006

Please Remember to Trim your Bush

I absolutely detest yard work. Why is it still customary for houses to keep and maintain a lawn? I don't need it for grazing. It doesn't produce anything... except weekly work. I'm seriously considering switching to something that requires less maintenance or produces food. I know a lot of people in the Southwest have green gravel as a "yard." Now that's an idea. They don't have to mow or fertilize, and they can keep track of illegal immigrants crossing into the country by listening for crunching sounds.


At May 07, 2006, Blogger Jen Reed said...

Do you remember the Endres that I worked for in High School? They bulldozed their entire front yard and made it into a weird looking garden. I wouldnt recomend it if your planning on having kids any time in the near future, cause there's no place to play, or if you like to let your dogs play in the yard, but it's an idea for the time being!!


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