Thursday, February 15, 2007

Anti-gunner proves my last post

I actually ran across an anti-gun tirade that agreed with the historical facts I put forth in my last post about the true meaning of the Second Amendment. Those are few and far between so I thought I'd share. The other side usually tries to say it was written for the National Guard (which was founded over a hundred years after the Bill of Rights was written) or for "the right to hunt".

Here's what Junaid Afeef has to say about how we should fight terrorists that want to shoot up our malls after they decided to break laws banning murder. He suggests they will heed new laws banning guns:

In the Fight Against Terrorism, Some Rights Must Be Repealed


In the post 9/11 world where supposedly “everything has changed,” perhaps it is time for Americans to reconsider the value of public gun ownership.

The idea of public gun ownership simply does not make sense anymore. The right to bear arms, as enumerated in the Second Amendment, was meant for the maintenance of a “well-regulated militia.” At the time the amendment was adopted, standing armies were viewed with a great deal of suspicion, and therefore, gun-owning individuals were seen as a protection mechanism for the public. These gun owners were also seen as guardians of the republic against the tyranny of the rulers. The framers of the Constitution saw the right to bear and use arms as a check against an unruly government. That state of affairs no longer exists.

"That state of affairs no longer exists"? Huh, I didn't realize we now lived in a utopia where nothing could ever go wrong. I can't wait to tell my unicorn the good news.

More importantly, let's see what he says next about me and everyone else that thinks our Constitution is a pretty darn good thing:

Today, only a handful of citizens outside of neo-nazi and white supremacist goups view gun ownership as a means of keeping the government in check.

Seems like he wants to try and further the misconception that people that believe in our system of government are only dangerous nutjobs. How sad is it that that has become commonplace?


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