Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hit the Showers

Whoa! How did I miss this?

Associated Press
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

NEW YORK -- Harold Reynolds was fired by ESPN from his job as a baseball analyst after he was accused of sexual harassment, the New York Post reported today...

"It was a total misunderstanding," Reynolds told the Post. "My goal is to sit down and get back. To be honest with you, I gave a woman a hug and I felt like it was misinterpreted."

The newspaper, quoting sources, reported that the woman is an ESPN employee.

I'd like to say something hilariously sexual about Rachel Nichols here, but my wife would get mad.


At July 27, 2006, Blogger Nick said...

You were wondering if the carpet matches the drapes.

At July 28, 2006, Blogger John said...

It seems unfortunate that he would be fired for a possible missunderstanding instead of his real crime. His continued love of all things Yankee and Jeter.

At July 31, 2006, Blogger Andy said...

Good point, John.

Does ANYONE believe that there's ANY legitimacy to this firing? I sure don't.


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