Thursday, March 29, 2007

Zumbo Dénouement

This is the end. I promise. No more talking about Jim Zumbo after this. If you need to be caught up, read what I wrote here, and here, and here.

Since his career suicide, Mr. Zumbo has vowed that he has seen the error of his ways and will join the fight against illogical gun control that is based solely on superficial firearm cosmetics rather than actual function.

In a Gun Week exclusive, Mr. Zumbo says:

“I’m an idiot. I’m ignorant. My words obviously have come back to destroy my career.” Thus was the observation of outdoor legend Jim Zumbo, who told Gun Week in an exclusive interview that he harbors no ill feelings toward the legions of angry gunowners whose backlash has possibly cost him his livelihood, and perhaps his reputation. “I did it to myself,” he said. “I have nobody to blame.”

“I used the word ‘ban’ which I should never have used, and I used the word ‘terrorist’ which I should never have used.” … Instead, Zumbo is going to use this experience to become what he hopes will be the worst nightmare that gun-grabbing politicians and gun control activists could imagine. “I want to join the fight, do whatever it takes,” he said in earnest. “Let’s educate the other dumb people like me who didn’t know about AR-15s. I will lead that charge.

I just wanted to post this because even if Mr. Zumbo is lying and still thinks I'm no better than a terrorist, this whole incident has had a hugely positive effect. It has shown politicians (let alone other people in the "gun culture") that they need to keep divisive thoughts to themselves since gun owners are sick of forfeiting their rights.

Even if others in the firearms community still erroneously feel the same as Mr. Zumbo in that a differently shaped grip or a stock that is adjustable for different sized people is evil, I bet no one's going to come out and say it any time soon.


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